Spring Initiatives at Rip Curl Europe

Spring Initiatives at Rip Curl Europe

Two Planet updates from the Rip Curl Crew in Hossegor

For all retail sales in Hossegor this Easter, Rip Curl implemented a strategy to further decrease its overall carbon footprint by:

  • Vegatable-based shopping bags from BioApply (100% biodegradable, GMO-free components, heavy metal-free inks, European raw vegetable material-based)

The key of advantages of using these organic shopping bags are significant, the most important being that the bags will biodegrade in a few months – as opposed to the 400-year shelf life of a traditional plastic bag. Another key feature of these bags is that, because they are vegetable-based, they can be incinerated and the resulting CO2 emissions are far less severe than that of a traditional plastic bag.
In addition to the BioApply shopping bags, Rip Curl offered:

  • Organic cotton (and reusable) shopping bags
  • Metal drinking bottles to be used by staff instead of disposable plastic and paper cups.

Also in April, Rip Curl Europe staff members came together for a month of car-pooling to the office. Nearly half of the staff took part, leaving the carpark looking very lonely (and environmentally friendly)!

As always, Rip Curl is continually implementing fresh, environmentally conscious initiatives for its staff and customers. We’re always looking forward to doing more!


More informations on: http://ripcurlplanet.com/spring-initiatives-at-rip-curl-europe.html
