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Reduce Your Ecological Footprint: The Best Alternatives to Plastic

Reduce Your Ecological Footprint: The Best Alternatives to Plastic

Plastics: An Environmental Scourge

🚨 Every year, the world produces 400 million tonnes of plastic (UNEP).
🚨 Only 9% is actually recycled, the rest ends up in oceans, soil or incinerators.

Sustainable and Efficient Alternatives

🌿 Compostable bags and packaging offer a plastic-free, biodegradable alternative.

3 Reasons to Adopt Compostable Solutions

1️⃣ Zero Plastic Pollution

🚫 Unlike conventional plastics, compostable materials generate no microplastics.

2️⃣ Carbon footprint reduction

🌱 Made from renewable resources (corn starch, plant fibers), they limit the use of petroleum.

3️⃣ Compatibility with the Circular Economy

♻️ Compostable bags are returned to the soil in the form of compost instead of ending up in landfill.

BioApply: A Key Player for a Zero Waste Future

💡 BioApply supports companies and local authorities in the transition to plastic-free, environmentally-friendly solutions.

🚀 Adopt a more sustainable lifestyle!

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